blender + osx lion new features

so i was having a debate on a mac forum about the likelihood of 3rd party dev adoption of the upcoming os x lion’s autosave/versions/resume features. interestingly blender is ahead of the curve in that it already has an implementation of pretty much all 3 features (the availability of quit.blend is pretty close to a resume functionality).

what do people think is the likelihood of blender ever using osx’s implementation in mac builds? i mean i’d love to have a consistent system-wide solution for these features, but my argument was that cross platform developers are more likely going to choose feature consistency within their software across their various platforms than feature consistency with a particular parent OS.

Blender would have the need for the same functionality for all of its OS’s so why have something different just for Lion?

believe me i agree that a developer’s requirement for his/her software to behave similarly across all platforms is valid, and was the point i’d been trying to make!

i was just finding there were some vocal detractors over on that other forum claiming i was wrong and that the onus should be on os x users to upgrade and then pressure developers to adopt osx features to make their purchases worthwhile. to me that seemed kinda backwards, so i just thought i’d double check whether that was the sort of mentality around here :wink: