Blender outliner? Can't move things around!?

Why can’t I move and organize things in the Blender outliner, it’s like common freaking sense…
I looked at the hotkeys, I looked at the manual, there is not an option to do this. The outliner has several other issues I’m not going to get into here as well…

Is there an addon for a better, not @#$% outliner?

Nope, go back to C4D.

Don’t really have a problem with the outliner,can’t remember the last time i used it.

You can’t really change the order in there but you can organize by naming your objects. The outliner will then alphabetize the names.

Now, I make such a fuss because the outliner is a big part in animation and modeling, at least it is my my workflow. I know you can get by without it, but guys, c’mon, it really is quite convenient if you use it right.
Blender’s outliner is just about as bad as it gets for 3D I’m afraid. It has no real functionality aside from “click this to select” or “Look dummy, here’s what’s in the scene!”

It really could be a lot more useful if they added some drag and drop functionality for organization.
To name a few more things…

1.More right menu options, not a lot more, but like 3-4 things that would be convenient, for example, export selected.
Also, how about a simple option in there to change the display color of that item’s name, I’d love this to help organize! Heck, add some default colors for certain item types.

2.A display mode for materials only, this would be crazy easy to put in, no clue why it’s not there already.

3.LESS HOTKEYS FOR RENAME! There are at least 3 different keys/clicks you can rename an item with :expressionless:

  1. Allow the deletion of items from the outliner. This maaaaay already be there, I’m to lazy to check, but if it is, the hotkey for it is stupid, it’s not x or delete like you’d think it should be. Nono, you have to right click then delete.

This is all super simple stuff that could easily be in next release. Now idea why it’s not there already.
Anyone got more ideas? I’m going to try to push this and get it in blender.


The best way to get it into blender is to code it yourself and then submit it to the devs.If they are interested,they might add it to the next release.

Most people use the new layers addon for organizing things.