Just a stab in the dark, don’t think this is possible in Blender, but does anyone know how to have a cloth object that takes air resistance into account to the point where it alters the shape of the cloth?
Here’s a Houdini example:
In Blender, with a cloth object, it will drop straight down. Air resistance just slows down the falling speed, rather than alter the shape and trajectory of the paper, as it does in reality…
Any clues? Not looking to manually animate, needs to be a sim…
Create an empty and center it to whatever object is going down. Parent the empty to the object that is moving down. Now add a force field to the empty and turn on minimum and maximum . Scale out each one to make it look like a ring around the object and set force field to around 60 or your choice.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I was looking for a fully simulated solution that doesn’t rely on faking it with other forces as there’s more to this than the shape of the object. The paper falls at an angle, the shape changes and because of this, the trajectory of the paper is altered. If the paper hits another piece of paper, both pieces of paper will deform, changing their trajectories etc etc.
As far as I can see, this just isn’t possible in Blender right now…