I am recently experimenting with Blender Particles (2.5x), and one part really interest me is how Particles can be rendered as strands (hair-like). The cool part is of course that the Particles can be easily cached, and edited like hair.
One question, is there a way to convert these strands into Curves for further edit?
My website is at Blender Sushi.
Another question, I am wondering if Blender Particle is on halt? There is this website called Jahka Particles with a lot of cool post about Blender Particles, but seemed to be dead. Is the developer alright? I heard that Blender Particle will become node-based, I am wondering if the current system will continue to develop? Reactor is needed for Blender 2.5x.
hi, a fast way I’ve just tried is this: convert particles to mesh, and then those edges to curves, then set spline type to bezier and handles to automatic… pretty nice results
Aha…! The Particle Modifier needs to be in Hair mode, instead of Emitter mode. The Convert button is only showing only in Hair mode. Originally I want the actual Particle (emit), cache it, brush it, and then convert the particle trail as curves. But you are pointing into the right direction
Thanks a lot Liero. If this is the only way to do it, I’ll try the Hair method and study it a bit more.
Would be interested to see what you do with this. I’ll try something soon :]
I am using Blender version 2.59.0 r39307. When in Emitter mode, I don’t see the Convert button, very bizarre … wait… it only shows up after cached! Why didn’t I notice this earlier~ Liero, thanks for pointing this. Blender rocks~