Blender pass combiner nuke gizmo


So, after using Blender in ‘production’ I created this little gizmo for Nuke that will merge passes together to match the beauty pass.

It merges Color, Diffuse, Shadow, AO, and spec together. I also give you controls for AO, diffuse, and spec amounts as well as the spec transfer mode.


I’m working on a much more elaborate one, but for now here’s this. I still can’t get the reflection pass to merge in perfectly to match the beauty pass. I know some people say it’s ‘impossible’ but Blender must do it by some process.

While I’m here, does anyone know of a blender > nuke camera animation exporter?

Let me know how the gizmo works. I have a blender version if you are interested as well (just have to box it up).


p.s. I would have posted in the ‘other software’ forum but I felt this was more about the blender side as apposed to the nuke side.

I would like to do this in after effect :slight_smile:

i am interested too in blender/nuke integration.

have you managed to align properly blender and nuke cams?

interested in the blender version