blender problem on screen

I don’t even know how to search for help on this, so pardon me if this has been posted before.

My menu’s in blender are appearing like so:

I’m running a connect3d ati radeon 9600 w/128mb ram on a amd xp 2600+ box…

Any ideas what could be causing this? Nothing else shows up like this on the box.


Update your video drivers and try again.

unfortunately, that’s with the latest ATI Radeon drivers… any other ideas?

Turn off international fonts?

Also turn off Full Screen Anti Aliasing.


I made sure to set all of my ATI’s settings to “application preference” that way it won’t mess with apps that don’t want to be messed with.

i’ll give that a try tonight and report back… thanks for the help!

setting it to ‘application preference’ worked perfectly… thanks!

… off to the tutorials!