Blender QMM (Quick Metal Materials) - Free Addon

Blender QMM Updated to 1.4.7

Among other updates, this release adds two new materials – Tin and Zinc – and the Canisotrophy node group, which adds a fake anisotropic texture to the Tin material. It is meant to add more realism to the surface of tin cans and other cylindrical objects.

I’ve also switched the Specular group out for the new Energy Conservation group, which adds Fresnel adjustment to the base color of a material, again for more realism. (It seems the Blender devs already have something like this in the pipeline for a future release, but for now, here’s a hack.)


  • Add new materials
    • Tin
    • Zinc
  • Add Displacement to Asphalt and Asphalt Bleached
  • Add Canisotrophy Group with To Roughness output. This affects Tin.
  • Replace Specular Group with Energy Conservation Group (via Christopher 3D). This affects ALL materials, both metal and dialectric, except:
    • Gold and Silver because: IOR value is too low
    • Gold (Fresnel), Silver (Fresnel), and Copper (Fresnel) because: not compatible with node setup
    • Glass Hack because: not relevant
  • Code cleanup