Blender Render Farm Comparisons

Added an initial benchmark for Tresorio’s beta rendering service.


  • Tresorio is a eco friendly cloud computing platform which reuses the heat generated from running their servers to heat the buildings in which they are housed.
  • Right now you are limited to a maximum of 10 farmers per Blender job and can choose from three “render packs” which are their name for machine configurations. These render packs are:
    • S: 0 gpu and 2 cpu (0.1 credits / h)
    • M: 1 gpu and 4 cpu (0.7 credits / h)
    • L: 2 gpu and 8 cpu (1.4 credits / h)
  • So far I have only tested render pack S with 10 farmers. Even though It was the slowest render I have have seen yet I am still interested to see how M and L perform given they add GPUs which could change everything.