Blender resource browsing script

I made an AutoHotkey script to help me browse for different resources when working in Blender projects and I thought I’d share it here.
The script creates a context menu when pressing the Right ALT and the comma key ( RAlt + , ).

The script does some of the following:

  • Opening Blender. (only works on version 4.2)

  • Uses multiple search engines at once. (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Brave, Ecosia and Qwant)

  • Searching Free Stock Images from multiple sources

  • Search Images from multiple search engines (Google, Bing and Yandex)

  • Search in Reddit (add to the search query)

  • Open a list of resources that can be used for Blender projects (

  • Allows searching multiple sites for free 3D models and PBR Textures.

  • Opening multiple sites that contain HDRIs.

  • Opening a site that has IES files.

Script File

Here is the script ►

To use it you first need to install AutoHotkey v2 from here.

After installing AutoHotkey, you just double-click the Blender Context Menu.ahk file to open it, and it should run in the background.

To activate the script you press the Right Alt key and the comma key.

To close the script you right click on the tray icon in the botton right corner of the screen and select “Exit”.
Feel free to provide feedback.