Made a rig which was supported in blender 3.6 LTS long time support.
But in blender 4 rigify layers is replaced by bone collections so blender has broken al my earlier made rigs. Why did they not made a conversion script.
Lts means long time support ?
Why so rude.
There is an update function for rigify layer conversion…
never heard or seen of it older rigs which work in 3 6.5 lts are missing the panel because layers have been removed and become bone collections.
So the rig ui panel does not work anymore
you have to change the rigui py script.
Blender 4.0 has broken my custom rigs
Bruh … it doesn’t work like that… long term support is for only that version you are using which means the version will get supporting updates and not new features, so blender won’t fix your sh*t in every new version for every file you created in earlier versions. There is something called forward and backwards compatibility unfortunately for rigs and even other files made in 3.6 and older versions are not openable in 4.2, 4.3 or 4.4, except if you try to append some parts of the blend file or export/import to other format but there may be still loss of data.
and Rigify, Cloudrig and rigging in general using bone collections had a whole overhaul and replacement on how they work in 4.2 vs 3.6 which was the old system. and more changes like that are coming sooner or later you must relearn and adapt to them…
Please remove my question moderator.
I have solved the issue myself.
Happy blending.