Blender´s slow in Win2000

Hi there!
After installing Windows 2000 on my computer I ran into some problems; when I click at menus in Blender, the text in the menus appear letter-by-letter and very slowly, which is very annoying.
Not only does this happen in the mani-menus, but also with the pop-ups that appear when I use short-commandos and such.
Does anyone know what do do to make this go away? And why does it appear?
I now use Blender 2.27, which is the first time for me. I haven´t used 2.27 in any other Windows-version, but using 2.25 and 2.26 went nicely in Windows 98.
Please help me!


i had that exact same problem in XP look for the slow menu’s thread somewhere in the Q&A section there were some suggestions but none worked

And are blender 2.25 and 2.26 also slow under win2k?
Have your installed the latest drivers from your driver manifacturer’s web page?


I have win 2k, blender 2.26 and it works ok for me. ?

I think when i first installed it (blender) it did that but i just removed it completely reinstalled and it worked fine. Not sure if that helps :wink:

I had this problem too, in one of my pc. The difference is that the pc with the problem is in a WIn2k network. May be the problem is the network??
I don’t yet try to disconnect the machine from from the net.
the pc i have at home without net and without any network device is going very well.
bye save

I have Win2k and I have no problems with Blender 2.27. Blender 2.26 worked well too. But Blender 2.25 was very unstable. There were very often problems with memory. I think it’s due to that NT technology used in Win2k - I had no problems with it under Win98.

I also had speed problems with WinXP. Same video card worked fine with Win98SE. Problem was the XP drivers. I’ve updated the video card and now it works fine.

OK, I´ll try reinstalling Blender 2.27, and if that doesn´t work, I´ll update the video-cards drivers. Thansk for all the tips, dudes and gals!


I have WinXP and I can run Blender 2.27 fine.

If the menus and buttons are disappearing make sure that you have antialising turned off (I found that out at the BlenderBase)

I hope it works for you

I shut off International fonts and saw an immense increase in speed and menu time. Its still a bit slow, especially if I try to drag the buttons around in the button windows, but thats about it. Everything else works fine! However, rendering takes a while as compared to my parents’ P4 Dell…but then again Blender crashes constantly on that machine so whatever!