Blender saves file, then crashes when blender reads the same fille again.

Blender saves file, then crashes when blender reads again.
Blender saves file, then crashes when blender performs file open.

The last activities I remember before the crash was
using cycles modifier
and changing setting on NLA strip to make it longer and make the source data longer.
since the purpose of cycles is creating more frame data … the source gets longer

batfinger mentioned I should try to append the file
I did append file
when I clicked on the relevant scene
Blender crashed again.

I am trying a full scale … I mean …lite investigation by save the file frequently with

  1. save as new filename
  2. then creating the standard new blank document in blender
  3. read again file open the newly saved full file

= Blender 2.55 (sub 0) System Information =


version 2.55 (sub 0), revision 32738. Release
build date: 2010-10-27, 16:16:32
platform: Windows:32bit

Maybe you should try to open the blend1 file to recover your session.

A couple of things I’ve noticed on XP 32 bit…

I had a memory manager XPFreeRamPro… I installed it years ago to help with a game or something and it ticked away in the bg… Definitely not compatible with blender 2.5.

Also I changed my temp directory away from …/Local Settings/Temp. The double whammy I guess is I often ended up working on a file in the Temp Directory after a crash. I was gettiing a lot of memory and disc errors too after crashes with that as the temp.

After I changed these two things 2.55 barely crashes… maybe a coincidence. There are some scenarios that still bring it down…