Blender scene importer improvements for Jmonkey engine (We need your help)!!!

Hi mifth, thanks!
I succeeded already to get Suzanne mesh with color I had chosen to jMonkey
The difference between z an y axis is ‘clear’ …
Skype is in principle fine, but my micro is not very suitable … I will propose a (private ) chat to you, OK?

Usage of the jMonkeyPlatform becomes clearer and clearer … (I played already the CubeField example)

What I would like to know how to quit the (automatic) music of jMonkey (ok just deleted it …)

Seeing as you’ve registered already, maybe this discussion is best continued on the jME forum? You’ll notice that some questions of yours, like the one about the music, are already answered and can be found with a simple search on the forum.

I suggest you join the “jME3 Development Discussion” and start a thread along the lines of “Questions about Blender Loader”. You’re making good progress!

Yes, only if interesting here too, we (I) will leave a message here!

There is an OgreXML export script working in 2.55
only one change needed line 64:


has to be

(easy, if you know, that the action (here _add) has to be appended!)

thank you for your kindness, PKHG! We (JME Community) hope that blender will be the major package for JMonkey with all features (bones, morphs, animation…).

Hello mifth

I want to use blender as a level editor for my games made with JME, so I tried importing a blender scene that contained a library (with objetcs declared as proxies) but it does not work, it does not evn give an error message I tried importing a scene without proxies(simple linked libraries), the scene is converted, but the libraries objects referenced in the scene are missing…
is there a better way to do this ?


Sorry this is too old topic. Very old.
You need to ask on JME forum.

I think you need to compose the level in JME SDK. And export models separetely.

Also you can try Ogre exporter then convert ogre models into j3o models(native jme format).

JME has a lot of issues even for a stable version
the only solution I have is to write a python script that would export an xml that tells JME how and where to find objects
One have to be able to model a level and place different game assets in blender, JME editor is way to weak for that purpous
well thanks anyway

i compose a scene with this