I have created a blender scene using only vectorial elements. I am looking to adapt this scene as a web page. Attached is a video of the look and feel of the site.
It is largely text based with html links. I have looked at Verge3D but I am looking for a more classic javascript solution. I am no website dev so any suggestions are most welcome.
Thank you for your thoughts.
I was wondering if I should see this idea as more of a game than a classic website. I never got passed Adobe Golive in web design, so I am discovering that web site design has “changed” alot since. (Far less visually creative than the Flash / Dreamweaver days in my humble opinion.) There seems to be https://www.wysiwygwebbuilder.com/ that offers a flexible website creation tool for neophytes like me.
Do you know if there a way to create a web game from a blender scene?
I find it very hard to see the link between a 3d scene and a website composed mainly of text.
In terms of implementation, responsive, accessibility, maintenance… it’s going to be a nightmare!
I remember that Blend4Web was able to do something like that… But it has been decades since I’ve used that, and I don’t know if they have updated that for something later than 2.80.
In term of WYSIWYG, I normally just use VisualStudioCode with the LiveServer extension (except when I’m working with a DotNet project).
I’ve used Dreamweaver in the past, but I was never happy with some layout decisions from it…
So I feel more confortable writing html, css and js directly, then to use some wysiwyg package.
If you can code with JS, then my suggestion is to use SVG and JS together with Html… There’s so much you can do with it… SVG elements are treated as Html elements, so you can control them in JS with ease. (for example, Draw.IO is basically just JS and SVG).
Of course, you could use some GameEngine for web… And you can export a blend file to most of them without too much work; (creating the logic part is another thema). But the end result will be heavier, and most probably will be deeply embedded with webgl.
I suppose that I was looking for a magic bullet. My current website still has a webpage created in Blender4web, which I still like but it really heavy to load. Verge3D is the more up to date version of Blender4web.
Thank you for confirming what I feared … that I need to learn JS etc … or find a JS dev. At least I can stop fantasizing about an easy solution. Many thanks
The first thing that I tell any client, on initial discussion about a web-site, is: "what do youwant?" Nevermind the technology. There are a great many ways to achieve any visual effect.
Also: these days, you can assume that “somebody else has already perfected it.” Someone else has already written the server-side code and the JavaScript. And, if they ask to be paid money for it, it will be worth it. But, as the technologist consultant, these are my concerns: these are what you are paying me for.
“The vision is yours.” What sort of “show” do you want to present in front of your customer?
And: “Why?” Be very careful that you are not laboring to present something to them that will actually make no difference to them. Frankly, far too many “company web sites” actually consist of “a brief show” and nothing more. Customers cannot actually do (!) anything with it.
Hello Sundialscv4
What I want is pretty much exactly what I have in the video at the top of the thread. It is not really a website, but more an extended webpage. The loader time reveals the name and the cam pulls back to reveal a title diagram. Each of the outer titles leads to a “page” that has a text description with links. What is important to me is that I keep the paper and biro font aesthetic. The paper is a procedural material and the text is a biro font, so I figured I could “port” this vectorial approach to a webpage. I do not want really to load videos and bitmaps for efficiency reasons. Also, the text should be driven by a simple CMS so that I can easily update it. But all this is for my CV, so it does not have a huge commercial value. It is also a technical exercise, to get my head around how to do it or if it is viable at all.
You mentioned Verge3D yourself already, and it might not be the weirdest idea.
The HTML loader will be small for vector based stuff, and linking the data into a excel sheet is pretty easy to do. That is, if Verge will export vector based things properly. Haven’t touched Verge for a while now.
Animation of it all can be done in Blender, linked to the puzzle system for activating the various translations and such.