Blender .SMD Import and Export Script help


I’ve downloaded this file which allows you to import and export .SMD files in Blender. It tells me to place the script in the .blender/scripts folder, but there is no such folder!

Please help, thanks.

Bump, any help please?

Simply my question is just asking where the .blender folder is. Am I supposed to insert the script into the
“python25” zip file?

EDIT: It doesn’t work when I put it in the python25 folder.

It depends on what your operating system is.
in windows, the .blender folder is a (sometimes hidden) folder wherever you installed blender to, called “.blender”
In that folder is a folder called scripts.
C:\Program Files\Blender\Blender248.blender\scripts

If you open the blender uses preferences pane and go to file paths, theres also an option for script file paths there. You can probably point that at any folder you want, then click the little ‘re-evaluate’ button beside it.

You need to go through the program data directory instead of program files directory on the c: drive.