Blender Tank Track Rig

hi Guys and Girls

Its been a long time since I last posted anything, been really busy with Animation Mentor. I think the last thing I posted was that Ant Rig?

Well here is my next project a procedurally animated Tank Track Rig. I the below video the only controle that is moved is the Nav-Circle the rest of the animation like the Bank and Pitch and track deformation and ground interaction is all generated automaticaly by the rig.

Click for video.

It uses a similar technique as my Ant rig to orentate its self correctly. But the major issue I had with the tank track was getting the track to interact with the floor.

The red and blue track segments are so you can see the track is rotating rather than stepping like some other Track solutions.

The next thing I plan to add is a script to calculate its translation in space and its orenation so that I can have the tank rotate on the spot and turn corners. And after that I will add some dynamics so that the track bonces about a bit as it goes over obsticals.

Thank you.

wow… thats epic…

Thanks natholas

I will get an Update soon I have started working on a script to calculate each tracks vector and total amount of travel so I can get it to spin on the spot and stuff like that.

wow the movement is really smooth :stuck_out_tongue: really nice job, will be interested to see how you handle it turning etc :stuck_out_tongue: