Blender to Macromedia Director

Hey, I’m studying Multimedia at tafe and my Director (for Macromedia Director MX 2004) teacher saw me using blender during his lesson. He then told me that it was possible to make 3D models in a seperate 3D program and then use the models in Director.

So my teacher now wants to know if it’s possible to use blender models and impliment them in Director.

I don’t know much about Director yet, so I might have asked the wrong questions, but just let me know if Blender can have anything to do with Director MX.



In Director (8.5 and up) you can import 3d models that are in .W3D format (web 3d) as cast members, drop them on the stage or score as sprites and manipulate them with Lingo. Most popular 3D apps can export to .W3D format. Using Blender it can be done with a python script found here

I haven’t tried the script but it would be nice to know how it works :slight_smile:

Take a look around Macromedia’s site for some tutorials on working with 3D cast members and do something to amaze that teacher of yours! :smiley:

I use macromedias own converter

all you need to do then is export with one of the .obj python scripts that are available


Thanks nozzy and Fly3D. That was some really useful info. I once fed some W3D Maya RTA (Real Time Author) but the Director projector simply crashed on some machines when there was a 3D sprite on stage.
Are you guys getting good Director 3D performance and reliability? Any function that´s very different from the Blender Game engine, as far as interactivity goes?

thnx for that information fellas, i will try those ideas soon.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: