Went through the same process. It takes a bit of practice to build the muscle memory and learn the shortcuts, but from personal experience I’m at least 2-3 times faster in blender now than I ever was in 3ds MAX after using it professionally for 10+ years.
DNorman already mentioned using the hotkeys for scale/rotate/translate r/s/g. for Rotate/Scale/Grab
You can lock movement to an axis by pressing x/y/z
And you can lock movement to a plane by pressing shift x/y/z
Here’s some of other hotkeys I’ve found useful. This is off the top of my head.
Tab to go to edit mode,
1/2/3 to switch between select verts/edges/faces
/ : on the numpad isolates and centers your zelection.
h : hides, alt h unhides (alt is used almost everywhere to do the opposite of a hotkey)
ctrl r adds an edge loop
m : Merges selection (merge verticesm edges etc …)
f : creates a face with your selected verts
k : knife tool. c: makes it cut through the object.
o : activates proportional editing (soft select) use Mouse wheel while editing to interactively adjust the distance
Numpad period : focus selection
L : Select linked (important when doing UV’s)
Shift L : Select Linked by data type (material, data, etc )
ctrl L : Link object data between multiple objects
alt L : Unlink
When doing UV’s
The quick and dirty way is in edit mode, Select a vertex. Ctrl click another vertex. This selects all the vertices along the shortest path between the two. Ctrl E, Mark/Unmark your seams then menu/ UV unwrap. Live unwrap lets you do it even faster. In edit mode while in select faces mode, if you hover over a a face and press L that selects the UV island that face belongs to.
Ctrl A = Apply transforms (Reset xform)
Alt g : Resets the translations to zero
Alt R : Resets rotations to zero
Alt S Resets scale to 1
Shift C Resets cursor to zero
Shift D copies your object.
Alt clicking an edge selects the loop
Ctrl clicking 2 vertices selects shortest path between the two
Shift S : Snap menu
A common operation is Shift s Cursor to selected , select another object Shift S Selection to cursor or in object menu Origin to 3d cursor.
There’s a lot more, I’d strongly suggest printing out a chart like this and keeping it handy when you’re working : https://www.giudansky.com/illustration/infographics/blender-map