blender to maya export script?

is there a script to export blender meshes to maya?

Can’t Maya read the Obj format?


er, how do i save it as a .obj? :expressionless:

Does Scorpius’ Python I/O convert .blend into .obj ?

GFX I’ve got a script that shopuld work. But I haven’t had chance to test it properly. As soon as I get 5mins with the comp that runs Maya, I’ll sort it for you.

I need to get Maya 5 going as this is the only version that will import certain files. I presume it is 5.1 unlimited that you have?

In the meantime, do a search for Accutrans3D here at elYsiun, then dload it, use it to convert DXF’s saved in Blender to Maya Binary files, then open into Maya.

Will post the code asap,
