Blender tools not working

I’m testing Blender 2.8 — The move cursor disappeared while I was playing around — rotation tool is not available as well. I can use short-keys for the related operations. I thought that I disabled it somehow … Anyway, I can’t find the right button to click to fix this. Have you ever had something like this?

Those buttons are not there?


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The buttons are not working in the project … All good in new projects. Any ideas?

In this case, it’s probably one of those issues that can be solved by unticking the Load UI checkbox in the file browser (or otherwise 2.8 will try to recreate the one it had in 2.79 and create issues due to the UI changes).

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Do you have the active tools enabled in the overlays?

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Thank you. The funny thing is that I was thinking the whole time to click overlays to check if there is the solution to the problem …

Is there any other possible cause of the Blender tools not working? Something similar to the problem I had last time happened just a second ago. Object mode is not working at all now - I can’t select by clicking (so also moving, scaling or rotating is not possible) anything … I have a cube which I know is selected because all is good in the edit mode – nothing is working when I get into the object mode.

Make sure you have this option/icon enabled:

It is not that - all enabled … but thank you!

It’s blind guess for everyone if you don’t share screenshots/gifs/blend file etc.

You can see here a selected block in the object and in the edit mode – the interesting thing is that there is no outline (in the object mode) which is indicating that the object is selected.

I think I have got it — It looks like Blender can’t handle when there is a lot of object in the scene.