Blender trunk build on Linux not rendering out to avi or any video except ffmpg!

On Xubuntu(I have a 70 GB HD PC with 3 Ubuntu’s, (reguar Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu), I built Blender from trunk, (I think it’s like this on the other two ubuntu’s) and it won’t let me render out to any vid format! it has AVI JPEG and AVI RAW and ffmpeg, but no Quicktime or AVI Codec. Is this something with Revision 17516, or is it a scons thing?

I don’t think Quicktime is available on Linux…
As for AVI codec, you can always encode it after rendering. You have to install codecs if course, but ffmpeg ought to do the job.

But AVI Raw takes to much space right? And how do I use FFMpeg to encode videos, and if I can’t use Blender to make the movie from image strips what can I use?

You probably need to edit the file.
look here for more info.

Thanks J09. Now to scons again… x(

There is no quicktime or avi-codec in linux, but ffmpeg works great.
With ffmpeg, you can select different codecs for audio and video in both mov or avi formats.

You do realise that you can have all three desktop environments on the same install don’t you?