Blender Tutorial 2 - Modelling a Trash Can

Hello Everyone!

I have created the second tutorial in my series, it’s about how to model a trash can. Many techniques are discussed in this tutorial, so I hope you enjoy it and benefit from it.

The final result looks like below:

3D Immortal

looks cool!

I am checking it out now :slight_smile:

?? Weird. I get:

Error: 404
(Page cannot be found)
The page you are trying to access doesn’t exist.
It may have been moved, or you may have made a typo.

Sorry … there was something wrong about the link … now it’s fixed … kindly try it now again :slight_smile:

hope you’ll enjoy the tutorial

looking for this

Now the link is working alright :slight_smile:
yay. Gonna watch it soon.

Edit: Looks like the sound is a litle offset. As you go into the video a litle, you say you d a thing, but the video dosent show it after right away but after a few seconds. This makes the video tutorial a litle hard to follow I belive. Maybe you could fix that?

Thanks 3D_Immortal, really good tutorial, the only problem is the sound is out of sync with the video, the same with Tutorial #1 “Modeling a spoon”. Hope this will be fixed in the future and looking forward for more tuts.
Take care and happy blending :slight_smile: