Tonight was a big step for me personally in my Blender works. At the local night club here in town, we have started having Thursday nights be electronic/trance music night. So I got together with the DJs, and now I’m doing some visuals for them to go along with the music. Tonight was just an image reel about eight minutes long of renders I’ve done over the past three years, all done in blender, displayed upon the big-screen television.
There is a girl who comes down and paints there with the music under the black lights. A lot of people enjoy watching her work realtime on her stuff. So we thought of the same thing but with 3d modeling. So next week were planning on hooking my laptop up to the big-screen through svid and I’ll do some modeling live.
Not sure really what I’ll model, but I have some ideas. It’ll probably be more abstract yet literal in meaning and form. My main goal will be to make it fit decent with the music. It being psychodelic trance there is many options of freaky looking things I could make and animate. I’m not worried much, I listen to that kind of music while I work so much anyways. I’m already used to the beat while I model. The idea I’m trying to go with is how we use the different tricks, techniques, and tools to basically mix a 3D model just like a DJ throws together and modifies sounds to create the vibe, or the painter mixes and puts on the paints to make the paintings.