Blender users around the world unite!
In oktober there will be the Blender conference… and yet again some cheap people use excuses like living in Canada or New zealand and not being able to come over to Amsterdam for the week-end.
So th suggestion is to start organising ourselves to try to have small Blender conferences all over the world around (meaning “ish”) 22 oktober (the date the blender conference is on this year…duh), a kind of “meet and greet” for people in the same area to get to know each other better.
[edit]Nope, searched around, and Monkey Day is 13th October it seems…
Flick through News&Chat around that time 2002, and also around early july when the deal was struch with the NaN shareholders - very interesting reading (if you’re into that kind of thing). Kind of like history class, except I know some of the people involved
Also get to see what people were thinking at the time, not just what happened, which is cool.
Well habitually, here in Montreal (quebec/canada) Theeth organise a conference. Which is at the same time as the amsterdam conference (on the saturday of the amsterdam conference). That is habitually around the 31 of october…or 1st of november…it depends at which time the true conference will be held…
so yea, there are people who organise smaller conference
although i would like for a Blender Battle to be organised for all over the world at various confrences. 1 hour blender battle i reckon would be cool. imagine being able to see the people you are beating