Blender, Vray and Deadline


I’m from an animation studio that use Vray Next. Our render farm manager is Thinbox Deadline 10. The new Blender version seems quite promising, so we are interested in giving it a try, at least for modeling and scene building.

I have been able to use Blender with Deadline (and render images with Cycles), or to render inside Blender with Vray, but I can’t find any information about using Blender, Vray and Deadline all together (as it possible to with 3dsMax, Vray and Deadline for exemple). Is this possible without exporting data as vrscene?

Do you know where I could find more informations about what I’m trying to achieve? I couldn’t find anything on Vray forums yet.

I have finally managed to solve my issue. It was due to the fact that the Blender Vray add-on was not loaded on the machines I use as render nodes. So in order to solve this issue, one simply has to start Blender on those machines, activate the Vray add-on and save the user preferences.

In my case though, this was not possible as the machine I use as render nodes are computing servers that contains no 3D hardware acceleration enabled GPU. As a result, Blender with UI would not launch. To resolve this, I simply copied the folder C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79 at the same location on the render nodes. I assume only the preference file would be necessary (C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\config\userpref.blend), but I haven’t tried to copy it alone.