Blender VS Modo

This would be a dream feature. Ideally I would want this automerging/filleting intersections WITHOUT requiring subdivision (as in meshfusion), since that changes your original shapes and creates way more unneeded geometry.

This is already possible within Modo… sort of. The Foundry recently added a procedural modeling system which can accomplish this via modifiers as well. Its just not quite easy to work with imo. Will require some more refinement.

recently I tried making a serious effort to learn Modo
I mean
modo indie is cheap(limited, but still cheap)
So the cost wasn’t a factor

What drew me to modo was the WYSIWYG Viewport,mesh fusion and substance support(also this guy’s voice :wink: )
Because hey, as stated earlier, blender isn’t getting substance support anytime soon(which is weird because octane and vray managed to get blender support)
And the PBR viewport isn’t going to be officially implemented for a while so switching to Modo seemed like a good choice

As you can tell from the fact that you haven’t seen me parading Modo in any threads recently…
didn’t work out so well

Bad UI I can deal with, I have no problem dealing with a software’s ui if it’s going to get me somewhere, faster

Modo’s ui is good
but I just feel like everything I do there I can do 100x faster in blender

for example(Do correct me if I’m wrong)
To Extrude in blender
You hit the E key(the industry standard key for extrude tools)
Hold the middle mouse button to set the axis constraint
then click

Everything you can do in the grab operation, you can do in the extrude operation

then you’re good to go

In Modo
You have to hit Z(?)
(Never really learned how to add the axis constraint)
then hit Z again
then hit 1,2,3 to be able to select again

I think most of modo’s good will is from it’s usability rather than it’s speed

Again, it could just be a symptom of my “re-education” of industry standards to blender’s standards,
but I don’t think so
I can still model with 3Ds max just fine

I used Modo since 701. I later switched to Blender and only go to Modo for UVing. Blender is overall better, but UVing in Blender still needs a lot of work. Mainly efficient packing and highlighting overlaps. In Modo, UV packing isn’t restricted to bounding box mode and you can clearly see overlaps with a bright red highlight. That makes a big difference packing and fixing high poly meshes. However, UVing in Modo is a bit inconsistent in terms of normalizing shapes. Sometimes, big, sometimes small, and many times mixed.

I agree,
there are definitely things that blender should look to modo to

One change you can do right now that just instantly makes blender so much better is taking the vertex,edge,poly mode shortcuts to 1,2 and 3 in edit mode
why isn’t this the default?

Other areas include

Uving(as you said)
Overall usability

Isn´t the e key is the industry-standard for rotate? in W,E,R…move, rotate, scale?
And Z in Modo is Edge Extend…and hitting Z and then Z again would activate the tool then deactivate it…something about your approach sounds not right…

no such thing as an industry standard.

~,1,2,3,4…9,0, the whole row is dedicated to layers since the beginning.
Although layers buttons are not visible in header of 3DView in edit mode; you can display more or less layers in edit mode.

Actually, you can change to vertex,edge,poly mode with 1,2,3. You just have to do a Ctrl Tab before.

For 2.8, current layer system will disappear. These shortcuts will be freed.
But maybe they will be re-employed by collections system.

changed the shortcuts to 1,2,3 and they work just fine
I meant that the BF should do that by default
I cant think of any situation you’d want to change layers while in edit mode

Yes, i use that always and the layers when you edit a mesh dont have any sense. You lost the buttons of layers in the gui…

For example, you can put blueprints as Image Empties in different layers.
In edit mode, you can snap selection on other objects or create hooks or vertex parent relationship based on other objects selection.
It depends of your modeling/retopo/rigging workflow but we can imagine people jumping between layers instead of quitting to object mode, changing selection and switching between global/local view.

sure there is  :p

Modo Indie is simply amazing for what you pay vs what you get. Its a shame the foundry doesnt market the hell out of it. Modo adoption would sky rocket.

Modo’s ui is good
but I just feel like everything I do there I can do 100x faster in blender

for example(Do correct me if I’m wrong)
To Extrude in blender
You hit the E key(the industry standard key for extrude tools)
Hold the middle mouse button to set the axis constraint

In Modo
You have to hit Z(?)
(Never really learned how to add the axis constraint)
then hit Z again
then hit 1,2,3 to be able to select again

The speed element probably has a lot more to do with familiarity in workflow.

For example, extrude is Modo is completely different. Its actually one of the best parts of Modo, since its actually done via the Bevel tool. Bevel (the B key) is going to be one of the most used tools in a Modo modeling workflow. With it you can dynamically bevel, extrude, add geo on top of existing edges and inset. It is so insanely smart, that its hard going to another application without its approach.

Edge extrude is a seperate tool thats dedicated to pulling out faces based on edge selection. In cases where one might want to pull out a face after selecting an edge, there are actually better “smarter” tools in Modo for this. For example the topology pen.

The beauty of Modo’s modeling is that you can do a lot more modeling with a lot less tools and separate functions.


Also remember when in Modo, if you hold down shift and the tool is not dropped, by clicking you can repeat the operation.

Additionally, Modo’s default navigation is a bit weird. Perhaps because I didnt come from Lightwave. However, I do recommend using the official Maya navigation keymap as it works better in Modo imo.

Regarding UI, it seems to be a constant work in progress.
Definitely make use of the newer Game Tools layout, as its really just a streamlined layout created with the intent to avoid flipping through other layouts. Think of it as an all in one swiss army knife layout. This will be available in Indie. Video:

If the full version of Modo is ever picked up, the Zen UI is a must have.

Left click is also industry standard for select :wink:

SaintHaven, in the videos that you put I don’t see nothing special. The bevel multitool is similar to inset in blender and use one hotkey instead of two is not something special. Because in the video I see that people need a lot of times go with mouse to click in some tools, for example to put a value. And the retopo tool use is few usefull if we comapre the same situation with blender bsurfaces

I am not convinced by the video.

In Blender, you can extrude an edge by a ctrl left click or a shift ctrl left click, rotate it and scale it down or scale it up.
Rotating an edge and scaling it is faster than selecting vertices one by one to place them.
But if you want to do it ; you can use a combined vertex/edge select mode to do it.

Blender is as fast as what is shown in video here.
Modo’s user seems to be forced to use manipulator.
In blender, you don’t have to move mouse pointer to manipulator to start a rotation.
By using R shortcut, rotation starts immediately. Where is mouse pointer does not matter.
IMO, his fluidity problem comes from the use of manipulator while he is modelling.

When you press E to extrude in Blender, you don’t have to move to a manipulator.
Translation starts immediately.
Sincerely, if you want to do a series of extrusion, you can keep your finger above E : it is not less efficient than keeping it pressing shift.
Or you can use Ctrl Left click.

DcVertice, I am responding specifically to Fdfxd on the subject of where the extrude function is within Modo. Not sure where “special” is coming into play here. Context is important.

On a side note, can you clarify what your definition of “special” is and/or how something qualifies as “special” in the context of software features and design elements?

Regardless of whether it deserves to be called “special” or not, the simple fact is that it is a streamlined tool that saves time and is easy to use. In other words, it achieves its desired function with flying colors.

Most of these software packages aim to do the same thing. Its not necessarily a race to compete in what others cant do, but rather what the artist needs to get to the end goal faster and better. In the case of the Bevel tool, its a dynamic tool that is context sensitive based on selection. It accomplishes doing what most other applications have split between a handful of tools, as such it is smart, well designed and functional. It saves time and effort. Thats all that matters.

Mouse clicks and value input is a pretty standard design paradigm for most 3D software. One can do it numerically, via the tool options (which can be either a toggle based floating panel, a docked panel, or via widgets and viewport sliders.) The Topopen is just a multi function tool thats extremely streamlined and tightly integrated into Modo’s various features. Bsurfaces in blender is not the same, nor is it approached the same. If you had to compare it something you can find in blender, it would be the retopoFlow addon (which includes something called the Polypen), only with a bit more integration across the application as a whole.

Many of these tools are designed with the intention of building off other successful tools and workflows found across industry applications. A good artist will know which tool fits their workflow best, its not necessarily a competition for being special.

What are you not convinced by? Did Epic Game’s Warren Marshall just extrude from an edge? If yes… then its doing just that.

Remember X vs Y application threads are against the rules primarily because some turn it into a competition as to which software rules and which one sucks. That shouldnt be taken from what I am responding with, it is merely information often times to correct or explain misinformation or misunderstanding.

This isnt a competition. Context matters.

You used emphatic terms about “The beauty of Modo’s modeling”.
I just reply that as a Blender user, Modo’s modeling tools don’t impress me.
I have the feeling to have the same in Blender.

Most of these software packages aim to do the same thing. Its not necessarily a race to compete in what others cant do, but rather what the artist needs to get to the end goal faster and better. In the case of the Bevel tool, its a dynamic tool that is context sensitive based on selection.It accomplishes doing what most other applications have split between a handful of tools, as such it is smart, well designed and functional. It saves time and effort. Thats all that matters.

I am not sure that it is more functional. I don’t know modo’s scripting abilities.
Is there a real difference, a real gain of efficiency between a tool with several options and several tools that do one thing ?
A tool that is doing many things is also more difficult to maintain.
It is a potential source of numerous problems, more than a simple tool that do only one thing but do it well.
I think the solution is really a tool specific problem for each app.
I don’t think we can make a generalization from Modo’s Bevel Tool.

It is a good thing to have few tools to learn and to solve many cases with few tools.
But it is also a good thing to have elementary simple bricks to build a large variety of tools specific to repetitive tasks.
We will be confronted to a re-evaluation of our modeling tools when will come the time of modifier nodes.
Probably the balance will not be the same at that moment that the actual balance existing in current modifier stack.

I have a former colleague I basically learned up in blender, but he jumped the train to modo. his upside with modo are
+uv (w/o seams)

  • relax tool
  • y up
  • left click to select

and with blender he liked cycles, better renderer. easier to setup materials. and hotkeys in blender are better, with the ability to right click on menu commands and insert your own hotkey makes for a quicker workflow.

I guess that’s valid points, for me the viewport in modo is pretty decent, but I am awaiting 2.8 !! i think it can become as good or even better. I just hope for a really kickass performance.

and if blender gets vulkan support for viewport, that can be a huge achievement.