Blender Week Day Challenge #0040 (ENTRIES CLOSED)
Welcome to the Blender Week Day Challenge #0040!

The list is made up of three organic and three inorganic topics and participants choose one of each category to model. Participants need to pick two items off the list to model (one from each category).

For examples of previous entries please see the gallery

All the models should be original. You can use any software you want as long as you use Blender somewhere in your modeling workflow. Also please state any non-blender software you have used for your model.

If you’re feeling generous why not add the models you create for this challenge to the Official Blender Model Repository and if you want to make your blend files available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 3.0 Unported Licence just email them to me at [email protected] and I’ll host them on the website.

Any wireframes posted will be added to the voting thread (If you don’t know how to make a wireframe check out the tutorial)

Check out the website for the full list of rules, challenge archives and all the latest news.

Note: If you post up more than one render of your model (excluding wireframes) please state which one we should use for the voting thread.

Extended Deadline: 18:00 GMT (12:00 Noon Central Time) Friday 18th July 2008



Pencil Sharpener

This is my spotlight and placeholder for my organic model.


Yo its Awk! I made a pencil sharpener for this contest.

Here is my entry.
Peach and Spotlight. Rendered with Yafaray.


Extended Deadline: 18:00 GMT (12:00 Noon Central Time) Friday 18th July 2008

entry: peach and sharpner


What do you mean be “Training”? that is sorta ambiguous

Trainers, running shoes

Wow, where is everybody; this is the quietest I have seen it here.

Hey Fishcake, nice sharpener; and I see you went one better on the peach.
Do you think anyone will turn up to vote? Or does it roll over again with only two entries?

Either way good luck!

organic: it doesn’t rollover twice (people may not like the options)

Entries Closed