Blender wheels set 1. Free download available.

I have been building several sets of wheels for my car projects and thought it was about time I offered something back to this fine community.

So I bring to you, for free use and as a free download, Blender Wheel set 1. (Be aware that there are no tyres in this file, just the wheel rims.)

—><— Link to sample image.

Download the winrar file Here. (Left click or right click and Save target as. ) If you need Winrar you can download it here .

Instructions are saved within the .Blend file.

Enjoy, more sets will follow asap,

EDIT If you do download the file, please let me know below, as I have no means to count the downloads. This will give me an idea of how useful these .Blend files might be to the community and if it’s worth me doing more. Thanks. EDIT


weee! I’m stealing them! cool stuff- perhaps a tutorial on how to make good lookin rims ?

I am downloading them, but only for ideas. I think the problem is that if we had paying jobs we had to do with blender, and noone cared where the models came from, we would surely be using them. However I do modeling for the fun of it, and I wouldn’t feel a model my own if I hadn’t made all of it myself. Maybe this is the reason for the lack of downloads, and maybe not that many ppl model cars all the time :slight_smile: They are good, but I’m going to model my own rims for sure (though I’m stuck right now, can’t seem to come up with a way to make it look right, especially without using dupliverts, for they don’t export to yafray).

I use the spin dup function in the edit buttons. Add a circle, scale it to the size you want your rim, exit edit mode. Add a cube, this should be in the center of the circle. Extrude the cube down, scale, twist, subdivide if neccesary, but finish up with the edge of the rim that will sit next to the tyre.

The circle gives you a guide to extrude the bottom face of the cube to.

Exit then re-enter edit mode for the extruded cube, go to edit buttons, in spin settings, change deg to 360 for full circle. If you want 7 spokes, make steps 7, hit spin dup, then click in 3D window.

If the result looks rubbish, hit U to restore mesh and change extruded cube. I found that doing all this with subsurf on and shaded mode, makes things look better. When happy, select all verts and rem doubles.
