Blender window closes.. why?

Hi everybody,

i am new to Blender and i have a problem already: when i work in Blender after some simple operations such as Difference sphere from cube, the Blender window closes suddenly, without any messages :frowning: does anybody can help? :frowning: i think it could be too pour computer recourses (512 MB of RAM, 1,7 GHz)

Thanks in advance.

uchh… double post.
i dont think i’ve ever used the blender boolean modifier for any serious modeling.

watch this video, perhaps you must subdivide the cube a few times…

this video by the tufts university

The boolean modifier in blender is notoriously crappy and subject to crashing blender. Having more ram and a better processor may help but modelling without using boolean can give much better results than actually using it.

zeffii and Richard Marklew, thanks for answers and I will not use Difference, i promise :D. I found out that the problem was RAM… with less subdivision of sphere everything works properly, but more makes problems (some money will solve it, I hope).