Blender XML3D exporter


Please let me introduce you to XML3D ( XML3D is a designed as a extension to HTML to describe 3D objects inside the DOM. It reuses and leverage as much as possible from HTML, including CSS, DOM Events and DOM scripting. Though it’s still a research project (by DFKI, Saarland University and Intel Visual Computing Center), we intend to flesh out our ideas within W3C.

Enough talking… If you want to try out XML3D, you can do the following:

  1. Get the Blender exporter (2.49) from GitHub:
  2. Export your favorite scene
  3. Load it into a browser that supports XML3D:
    This is either one of our native implementations from our website or try out the WebGL implementation with an WebGL capable browser, e.g. the latest Google Chrome browser.

The native implementations use a CPU real-time ray tracer, don’t try that on your laptop :wink: We currently work on a native OpenGL version. Please be aware that all this is still in alpha status. But we appreciate your feedback to improve things!

If you don’t want to start yourself, check out our videos and screen shots. Some small tutorial style examples are also online (including Suzanne and Cornelius).


Nice! I did a quick export of the Sponza model provided by crytek. See it here:
Resulting xhtml file is 32MB big… maybe there is a way to make it smaller?