why is blender so weird looking?
its too hard to learn!!
WHY? :x
Stop being lazy, learn it and you´ll find out for yourself why is this question of you so stupid
Hey Carnivore, why the reaction. For someone new to this kind of program it seems a completely valid question to me.
I’ve been looking into blender just recently myself. I did instal a version long time ago (years I think) but never got to using it because of the interface putting me off. This time I ordered the manual and I’m trying to stay clear from it until the manual is in.
I’ve used several 3D apps over time but the ones that adhere to the windows standard for user-interfaces are more easy to pick up. I have Moray (for Povray) and used Rhino while it was a free beta. Getting into these wasn’t that hard. But I also worked (or tried to) with stuff like Poser, Bryce, Amapi, and those are very hard to pick up on without long hours of studying the manuals.
I see people that do wonderfull things with blender here on the forum that still answer in discussions with ‘hey, I didn’t know that could be done that way’. That actually tells something.
To answer the question from karthik50: Yep, blender is hard to get into (I’m in that phase myself) but I also understand from the discussions here on the forum that the interface is actually designed to aid in an efficient workflow. As I have already experimented with the possibilities of windows and workspaces I actually feel already that the interface is very powerfull indeed. So hang around the forum, follow some threads about the user-interface (there are many) and learn
Actually, it is a stupid question 'from your perspective" as a (probably longtime) user. However it is a completely valid question for a newbie (like me).
I see many discussions about why blender does not get the recognision it deserves. Some people say it’s about the interface, but I think it is because of such answers: scaring away possible new users will surely NOT help the acceptation of blender as a serious tool.
I think you got a negative reaction to your question because your question is kind of pointless. Why is Blender weird looking? For the same reason that cursive writing looks indecipherable and hard to use to a child who has only learned print. The reason is only because you are not familiar with it yet.
My post was deleted…
Holy crap…
Anywhos, I replied in the manner that I did because this question looks horribly spammish. It doesn’t really fit into news&chat, the title… well… yes, the post itself is 3 lines long and contains no relevant information whatsoever. And I doubt the author will ever come back and look at this topic ever again.
When I started out in Blender, I had a hard time (and I still do), but I didn’t go bitching about in forums as I’ve recently seen people doing.
P.S. - I take back everything I’ve ever said about the moderators (Theeth can bite ;))
Guys, it was not my question, I just gave an answer and added some observations. I myself am completely cool with the blender userinterface (even if I don’t understand it at all… yet)
I agree that the question was short and without much serious information, but I’ve learned that there are lots of people that come to a forum without any experience in actually using a forum. Sometimes such people throw in a question without knowing how others react on a forum.
How many people do really read a page on forum-etiquete… (I don’t even see such a page here on elysium).
My (several years) long experience with (many) forums is that giving polite answers is the best way to have a nice community and even scare away forum trolls
Actually, it is a stupid question 'from your perspective" as a (probably longtime) user. However it is a completely valid question for a newbie (like me).
I see many discussions about why blender does not get the recognision it deserves. Some people say it’s about the interface, but I think it is because of such answers: scaring away possible new users will surely NOT help the acceptation of blender as a serious tool.[/quote]
There is no such application and there is even no such part of human doing, which doesn´t mean learning and in any part of CG it is always learnig hard. Yes, Blender has unique interface, but its learning curve is not longer then eg. Max´s one (I have worked with Max for two years before I switch to Blender).
Don´t take me wrong, it is not my intention to scary or offend you, but I would find this kind of question to be stupid no matter what application it would touch- every application has its unique and s trange ways, only Blender has more of them than most of other programms.
Being user friendly to newbies at cost of less effectivity surely won´t help either and I see no reason why Blender should be something similar to other application- if somebody don´t like Blender, then Max or Maya is better choice for him, and if somebody looks for something different, then Blender will probably suit him. There is no point in cloning interface of Rhino or whathever application comes in your mind.
And if people don´t get Blender as serious tools only because its interface doesn´t suits them, it is their wrong attitue- it is renders and animations blenderists produces what does matter.
So to answer your question why Blender is so weirid looking: Why not? Who needs another Max or Maya clone?
Moved to Q&A. Post in the correct section from now on and read the guidelines for posting proper question. That includes proper title for a thread, description of the problem and so on.
Yes, that is probably the “problem”- that original question as it is wrote looks more like, how is that funny english wor,d “bitching”?
Sorry for I have mistaken you with original author of this post
Well, read this interview with Ton, he speaks about it
what theeth said was right.
read the other questions first. Would you ask a tech support guy that?
Call up alias wavefront and complain that “the render is not there” and hang up. That will get you a good response.
Apology accepted 8)
I don’t want or need blender’s interface changed. Powerfull applications need powerfull userinterfaces and a certain learningcurve should be expected with software like blender. I think it is clear that blender is not a toy. But because it is (in my opinion) the most powerfull 3D program available as Open Source (as in FREE) it does attract people that are completely new to CG and want to start with it. However, even with my experience with Moray/Povray (I started with DKBtrace some twenty years ago), Rhino, Poser, Amapi and several 2D and 3D CAD applications, blender is still intimidating at first.
For the last week I did several searches on the forum to get a feel of the users, the community and the experience that people have with blender. The posts about how powerfull the userinterface actually is gave me a good feel about the program. However, the posts about ‘learn blender and find out yourself’ didn’t do anything for me in regard to getting to a decision to start or not start to use blender.
Btw, I really like the community here, there are many very helpfull people around and I’m staying
IMO the question is, why is maya so weird looking? It’s soo hard to learn!
I was trying maya PLE recently, but I have given up on it (no point with the watermark) it had such a stupid interface for my blenderhead.
Ever used Kays Powertools… even after using it for a long time you still are GUESSING what button does what… I have that actually with any program that has been owned by Metacreations one time or another (Kays, Poser, Bryce, etc.). The userinterface of blender is completely logical in comparisson 8)
Actuallly, once you get used to it, the interface is much easier than that from Maya or Max (at least to me). Besides, if you test out buttons and functions you’ll at least know what they do. Whereas in Maya or equal programs you don’t use half of buttons in your whole life.
For the last week I did several searches on the forum to get a feel of the users, the community and the experience that people have with blender. The posts about how powerfull the userinterface actually is gave me a good feel about the program. However, the posts about ‘learn blender and find out yourself’ didn’t do anything for me in regard to getting to a decision to start or not start to use blender.
You know-I have been trying to help anyone who wants to start with Blender as anyone in this community for more then 3 years now and I have learned that sometimes it is this kind of answer, which I gave on first time, the best one-it means “just stop to complaint about interface, because it is like it is for some reason and you won´t get that reason before you try it”. It is obvious that you can´t get into any application without trying to learn it. And if you are stuck somewhere, then you (or anybody) should to ask relevant and to the point question.
I can´t help myself, but I still think, that question like “why is this so weird looking, it is hard to learn” is stupid one (that question is stupid, not the one who asks- sometime every of us laid stupid question, at least me for sure did ). And there is no relevant answer to this question.
why is blender so weird looking?
its too hard to learn!!
Compared to what?
compared to programs like 3ds max and Maya… and even anim8or
karthik50, it looks like several serious answers where given to your question, even though your question did not seem to be thought over before you posted it. Your last message looks a lot like flamebait to me.
Maybe you could considder replying to the elaborate answers here and conduct a SERIOUS discussion. Or do a search on the forum on ‘user interface’… it helped me too %|
I think that these reactions about Blender have more to do with some folks who have only “just” started using a 3d app in the recent years. These folks may have only experienced a soft and cuddly Mac or Windows environment where the focus is put on beautiful interfaces, comfort and ease and not on productivity.
Blender was born in the computer production world of Unix as was Alias. Maya and Max have the more “average” user feel, not the techie user appeal. Apps like Lightwave and XSI are more designed purely for function as is Blender. I hope that Blender never gets a fluffy bloated interface like Maya or Max. I really don’t need a glorious beautiful 3d interface I need a fast stable interface that helps me to pump out beautiful CG artwork.
I’m all for industrial strength, concrete floor, steel work table, style of 3d production environment. What, no carved marble handled pliers and rainbow colored fuchsia topped nails? Hehehehe. When I use Blender I know that I’m using industrial strength 3d. Hehehe.
I’m not saying that I don’t want an easier Blender workflow. Who doesn’t?
Hey, were talking about the design of the 3d software that we use not interior decorating tips. I want to put in work and have fun while I do so, knowing that I can rely on everything to work the way that it is supposed to.
Blend on!