Hello, I am new to modeling… infact, very new. I was looking for a good program. I find Blender to be quite impressive. From what I have seen the works of art that you people have made are very good. I would just like to know how do I get it? What download do I get? If it does, how much does it cost? Please respond to my questions
http://www.pablosbrain.com/blender3d/ - What do I download. Sorry for the inconvinience. I am confused
Edit: Hmm I found a 2.23 named blender-creator-2.23-windows.zip.
Hope this is the correct file. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks
Also, if you want to run it on the mac you’ll need at least OS X version 10.1
It doesn’t work on 10.0
If you can’t afford OSX then you could try downloading a ppc linux. Try yellowdoglinux, It just like red hat except for the mac. Just make sure that you download the lastest version, cause I didn’t and blender wouldn’t work