BlenderArtist loads very slo...

I’m not the kind that starts a new thread that the forum is slow but the last week it’s been like snails pace. I thought “the cloud” would make everything faster. Took me 5 minutes to get to the Off topic.

lol Richard xD

Send us on a hunt for the korrect thread why don’t ya rofl.

Its slow for me too at the times. Sometime I cant even load the page. Also, I couldnt download 2.5 from Blenders website for weeks. Finally got it.

I was thinking that cgtalk is fast. They must have like 8 times more visitors, so I though. BA = 395 and cgtalk = 990. That’s like amazing.

3dtotal forum = 195. BA bigger than 3dtotal.

Right now it’s actually running very quickly.

Hooray x3