should be pickier about its advertisements

What a tragic loss for this community. What are we going to do without you?


It’s ironic you say that despite my complaints of unprofessional attitudes. Let me explain why I’m here, and why I’m going to seek out individual artists and other platforms rather than looking to BA itself for passion and expertise:

I work with a very sophisticated team of designers with decades of experience in a wide variety of sectors who are looking to come together and grow their own new and even more successful business. Also, I’ve made thousands of dollars selling stock assets on the internet as a hobby on top of that.

My personal goal, in using blender unprofessionally but never seeing a need or call for utilizing blender as a professional design software to rely upon, is to bring blender into that high-end realm. This includes learning blender myself and finding a 3D community we can rely upon, to find sole proprietors or agencies we can grow with and defer to.

I can currently see at least several niche eCommerce-related sectors blender is now starting to become a part of, including product photography and web animations, abstract imagery for stock assets, and also cartoons and other art or design-related areas. I anticipate as blender grows in its capabilities (and continuously listens to feedback), it will gradually be poised to become a standard software designers and clients can rely on in various creative ways. Blender may or may not be powerful enough and cost efficient enough with render farms and competition from AI-generated imagery, that’s what I’m exploring in my spare time. If this is successful, I can work with 3D artists to carefully cultivate a diverse array of niche businesses that make an impact on nearly every piece of marketing collateral.

So for instance, let’s say you want to make money using blender, and abstract imagery catches your eye. What you have to know in advance is, don’t quit your day job, stock assets are incredibly saturated and competitive.

However, with more experience/information and a very good eye for design, you can start to carve out a better niche that surpasses most of the assets you see online, and get to know what types of images are “cliche” or “low quality” and what ideas the market is already over-saturated with while catering to emerging industries in AI-enabled firms in generated content, fintech, cybersecurity and etc.

Cool story, bro.


I’ll just leave this here…

I think the title “empathetic” is quite a bit misleading. Based on this page, and it’s not statistically true, but it’s how I perceive it, it seems like no one here is excited to see blender succeed and become professionally conventional software, it seems like this site is just a wall of negativity with maybe smidgeons of decency.

My professional advice is to spend less time harassing people, and spend more time honing your craft and diversifying your skillset by going to a good trade school or technical college, and building sustainable community relationships.

I wasn’t trying to be insulting with my post above. I just wanted to post an image of an ad that once popped up here I felt fell well below the standards of the forum.

It also disturbed me.


I don’t believe you know me enough to have come to that conclusion, and another wall of text is only going to make more negative of a post thread that you seem to be resolute in alienating everyone that IS professional that has responded here.

Nobody needs your opinion to run this site as they see fit, and you are welcome to go to the community of your choice, even stay here awhile and get to know people first before assuming you know enough to speak on them.

Have a nice day.

I think when I give constructive criticism and express security concerns and it’s met with hostility, sarcasm, straw-manning and elitism, that’s not a great sign that this website is run like a community, nor is empathetic. I think that’s a very common-sense observation.

Ah, I get it now. When are you opening the new forum that doesn’t need revenue streams to keep it open?

Ok, this has devolved into sniping and it’s not necessary in the first place. We cannot, by definition, be pickier about the ads that show here. We have no control over it. Thus, this conversation is pointless. Let’s call it here