BlenderGuru Futuristic Vehicles Competition - My Progress - NoviceInDisguise

Well, I have wanted to enter in one of the competitions on Blender Guru for a while, but most of the time I have either been too late, or not confident enough. Finally I am here with a week to make something. Something new, something from the future that actually serves a specific purpose. Enter my latest project :cool: (My off-road vehicle is on hold for this week).


Any input will be extremely welcome in the following couple of days. I plan on finishing modelling and materials a few days before the deadline, and then just work on compositing/backdrop/etc.

Well, after a twenty-six hour Blender Tron-A-Thon, this is what I’ve come up with. Any feedback would be extremely welcome during the last few days leading up to the competition :yes:.


This is my interpretation of a futuristic ambulance that can be fully autonomous. The stretcher attaches to the undercarriage for quick recovery of patients. There is also a remote robotic assemble via which doctors at the hospital can observe the patient’s vital signs, administer treatment, and decide the final destination. Also used for transferal of patients from one hospital to the next for the next level of care, this ambulance’s speed, connectivity, autonomy and new ultra-smooth strut based suspension system make this the ultimate ground based med-evac solution. :eyebrowlift:

Again, I have five days left, so please give any feedback you have! Thanx!

BTW, just so you all know, the reason I picked 26 hours, is a marathon is 26.2 miles, and Tron-A-Thon has a nice ring to it ;).

Dude I would break my own legs just to ride in that thing.

Thanks! But don’t go breaking your legs just yet, the production date is probably around 2065 ;).

BTW, any suggestions on what to change? I have plenty of time to make edits before the competition deadline.

given me a few ideas really nice

Thanks man! Glad it inspired you ;).

Maybe try to add more details to the vehicle, maybe some plate work with different materials? I also think it needs more smooth curves, there are some lumpy edges in the curves right now.

Help how do u get those particles I am also in the comp and I want particles like that :frowning: Pls reply quick

Actually, due to the extremely short amount of time I had to work on this project, I just used an image texture on a bunch of carefully UV unwrapped planes. The trail behind the wheels uses an array modifier, and the other stuff, like on the road, was extremely mangled single instances. Just play around with it. I can get you the texture if you want, just let me know. Another important thing is motion blur, it helps it look convincing. I animated the road, parented the wheels and spray to it, and voila! (I used the Curve modifier method on the wheels so they actually spin that way, that’s why it worked so well) Hope this helps!

P.S. Sorry I didn’t get back to you quicker, hope I’m in time?

It’s ok I just finished I tried it out but it didn’t look good so I just removed it.

Here it is :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Yeah, could have used some flames or glow or something . . . Good concept though!

BTW, Norway is an awesome place :wink:

Yeah actually I tried flames, and it didn’t look good, so I removed it. Btw the red lines are air emitters, and they glow too. Ty I agree Norway is an awesome place :slight_smile:

Wow! Very nice! :smiley:

Thank you!

:wink: No problem :smiley: