Blendering on a laptop

I know most of you already know this… but Im going to post it anyways… because I know that there are still users out there that are still tring to figure out how to use the number pad on a laptop, so here goes…

To use blender a mimic a number pad using your laptap you must do the follow.

1: hold down “fn” then hit end(NumIK) the number pad light should light up…
2: The following keys are the keys that controls the side, top, front, and camera view.

K = Spin the 3D object (2)
L = Will go on side view (3)
J = Will put you on front view (1)
O,U = Will spin your 3D window left and right (6, 4)
M = Will give you camera view (0)

there is more… Just like at your key pad and you should be ok… I just hade to post this for brainless users like my self who cant get things right so quick… takes time to get useto but… heh… it works

remember to turn num pad off again when you’re not rotating the view… or much frustration will follow.

There’s a laptop numpad Python script mugwah wrote and I had enhanced not long ago that you might want to check out as well.


or you could buy a usb numpad and carry it around in a cool orange and blue fanny pack. I guess that’s pretty darn trendy…ain’t it…?

i have also a laptop, and i have to admit, i love to use the implemented, standard “emulate numpad” button in the user preferences panel…it was annoying with the numeric keys, i always had to remove my hand from the mouse, now, i have truly 1 hand on the keyboard, 1 on the mice…
much easyer when im into heavy editing, using the g,s,r buttons, and just above these are the view ones, 0-9 :slight_smile: cool…fast.