BlenderMan 0.1 Beta 7.2

New release :slight_smile:

The changes in this version were made by Goran Kocov.

Most important one is support for 3delight.

its a renderman renderer that is free. like bmrt. but I think its much better faster and produces higher quality stuff then bmrt.

This is the hothot demo file rendered with 3delight. It has some really nice dof support.

This is the hothot demo file rendered as a 100 frame animation.
notice the animated shadow. This is a shadow map and not a raytraced shadow. So you can have it be smooth and still render really fast.

-----------Changelog 0.1 Beta7.2-----------

these changes were made by Goran Kocov

-Added- support for 3delight

-Added- Displacement bound to custom shader

-Added- motion blur support for animated mesh

-Fixed- the image menu evaluation was missing

-Fixed- channels info was wrong in test render of shaders

-Fixed- added the shadow dir to the texture search path

-Fixed- camera motion blurs for stills as well as anims

-Fixed- GUI corruption bug fixed

-Fixed- evaluation of shadowframe was incorrect

-Fixed- turning off shadows for a spot with an already rendered shadowmap wasnt working

-Fixed- Moved color and opacity from object ribs to main rib

Yay!!! :D:D:D:D

That looks really good! Had no time to try it yet, but it does seem a lot better than BMRT, downloaded it immediately.

Cool !!

I am right on it !!

great Green !!

OK. I DL’ed the 3Delight app. It is not recognized by windows? a GZ file, what the heck is that and how do I install it? It says to just rung the .exe file after DL’ing.


.gz files can be handeled by winzip. they are the unix way of zipping things.

anyways. I fixed a small linux bug. so if you downloaded this version before this post and are a linux user, please redownload.

Thanks Green!


Thank you Green! and thank you Goran! Great work both of you!
And I expect Blenderman to only get better once Blender is Open Sourced!! the future is getting even brighter!
Thanks again!

I can’t get this script to work even with BMRT. Not a chance with 3Delight:

Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 604, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2119, in export
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2102, in writeFrame
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 1659, in createObjects
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘c:\\blenderman\default\meshes

Anyway are there any instructions for using it(win98se, python 2.0.1). It looks great and I had use it in the past with bmrt as raytrace engine but now I forgot how to make use of it. Thank you Green.

Stamatis :-?

ick. il try and fix that for the next version.

It might be an error that only happens for windows 9x machines… not sure

On redhat linux 7, with blender 2.23 creator i get a error like this when using 3delight:

Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 605, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2120, in export
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2103, in writeFrame
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 1660, in createObjects
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘c:BlenderMan/default/Meshes/Sphere.rib’

It works fine under BMRT though. also, whenever i try and change the export directory (under either bmrt or 3delight) i get this error (using dir /home/apples/ )

Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 605, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2114, in export
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘BlenderMan/home/apples/default.rib’

is it possible to use a directory in the BlenderMan basedir for exporting to? Because
when i try and use a dir in the BlenderMan directory (called “apples”) i get this error:

Exporting Frame: 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 605, in bevent
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2120, in export
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 2103, in writeFrame
File “blenderman0.1beta7.2.”, line 1661, in createObjects
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘BlenderMan/apples///Meshes//Sphere.rib’

am i doing something wrong?

Looks like a nice renderer–I especially like the ability to use shadow maps instead of those slow raytraced shadows–but does anyone know if it supports radiosity or irradiance? I looked at the “features” list on the site and it doesn’t mention it.


yeah. I hope I didnt give the impression that 3delight was the only shadowmap renderer. bmrt, prman, entropy and 3delight all support this.