The site has just gone up and everything is being transfered over. Please consider contributing models, articles, reviews, tutorials, and links to the archive. Full credit will be given for all contributions.
Great idea dude. I’m doing something sort of similar, but I’m just putting up some of my models on my site. Thou I would be happy to post others as well. But yea I think that we deffently need more free model sites.
umm, could you post pics of them?
even if like 100px thumbnails
I did at first, but there are two simple problems: (1) I’m trying to convert the models so they’re actually usable in Blender, and creating and organizing thumbs takes almost as much time as model conversion, and (2) both bandwidth and disk space get used by those thumbnails. If no one else besides me submits models, I’m just going to keep it the way it is and maximize everything.
Right now many of the models when zipped are only barely above the size of an image. For the moment it only makes sense not to waste bandwidth and disk space on the server and actually make the models available to as many people as possible. But if people send models, I’ll create another dedicated site with its own domain. That site will have different bandwidth and space requirements.
If the Blender (and elYsiun) community doesn’t respond with submissions, reactions, and downloads, there’s no point for me to spend the money.
You know, I really do like that idea, I was just trying to get most of my own models converted. How about this:
Until I get all of my own original models converted, each model submitted by someone else has it’s own dedicated thumbnail and early in the page there is a “recent additions” section with thumbs.
Does that sound good?
Right now I have 37 models on the page. If I get 20 decent submissions, about half of what I’ve already posted, I will create the new website.
I have bought the domain and server space. In the meantime, please keep sending your models, tutorials, links, and similar information to [email protected].
In the next few days I will setup the layout and systems, and when it is working I will post the address.
PLEASE keep sending your models for submission to the model archive. Thumbnails will be available for each model. Tutorials and other Blender links are welcome for submission.
Admins, please make this sticky. It would be great to have this work!
This is a great idea, and the models you’ve already posted look good. I especially like the idea of the lighting set-ups.
I too would prefer to have thumbnails rather than having to unzip and open Blender to see each one. (Not that Blender is slow, it’s just easier to view thumbnails with a fast internet connection.
Blenderman is proud to announce the first Modeler’s Challenge with the theme Autos. Voting will start after the May magazine is published, but we are already accepting submissions for the Challenge.
It will be fun to see what people submit with all of the excellent car modeling here in the forums!
If anyone has any last minute submissions for the May magazine, there is still a chance that we might have time to squeeze them in before the May 1 release!
Did you get my submission? I sent it to you earlier today.