BlenderNation is stepping up + Discourse Migration Campaign

@ B@rt,

Will post count and join date be preserved after migration?

Just my 2 cents in addition, some forums are getting rid of post count statistics altogether these days, but having the join date is still important as it’s more likely a long time user will be trusted (due to greater experience and a generally higher amount of knowledge).

I don’t care as much about the post count statistic, but the join date should stay.

Glad the goals are met!

Regarding the test site perhaps spacing, information presentation could be worked on. Also it’s very contrasty and every text is bold, white and screaming for equivalent attention making it harder to read. This is of course highly subjective opinion, just trying to help.

I used stylebot (chrome addon) to quickly mess with some values. It’s give and take, but perhaps reflects areas critiqued.

Also since it’s art forum, subjectively think would be very cool to have featured image bar that can be scrolled similar to:

Oops good catch. It should all be in Euros, I’ve updated the page. The final goal is slightly higher than the quote I received, giving me some ‘fat’ to do additional work if needed.

This is not supported by Discourse:

I believe so yes, I’ll double check.

Yeah the contrast is a bit high, I’ll make a note of that.

Scrolling the featured bar is not planned for now. Instead, I’d prefer a link to an automated grid gallery of featured artwork.

The total migration number (€4500) has not yet been reached.

In U.S. Dollars, that’s nearly $5,600.

At this very moment, the count is $4,974, so still a ways to go.

I’m sure our community will see the project across the finish line with time to spare.


The way that test forum looks now isnt really good. Readability is really bad, also the latest post dont make sence. There are tons of topics or sections, are these going to be mixed here than?
Colors, all text seems to be white now, perhaps thats basic setup but that really needs to be changed. PS your probably working on the test site, but i was missing a lot of text in the Topics, i only saw the headers, no subheader or 1-3 rows of text and extra infi.

I agree with SynaaGlow, Though spacious design is nice, you loose a lot space as well now. Perhaps dimm that down a bit?
FOr example, clicking a header image goes to the post, in that post we see a time line on the right. This time line is about 1/3 of the screen, thats ridiculous i think, is this final look?

Totally agree!


when I try to create a log in (using the ‘signup’ button) for the test sight…
I get a …

“This connection is not secure logins entered here could be compromised”

this is using Firefox Quantum 58.0

One minor thing I find irritating about (all?) forum software, is the (imho) useless infatuation with the first half-dozen pages of a long-running thread.

I never want to look at pages “1 2 3 4 5 6 … 60” – I am far more interested in “1 … 55 56 57 58 59 60”, because presumably I’ve either read most of a thread and want to catch up on new posts, or I want to check out the first post for some download info or videos or whatever.

Could we have that fixed please? (^/^)… (or, in order to support traditionalists, perhaps have it as a Profile setting? (.)…).

+1 for retaining join date and post count.

Discourse will remember where you were last time and will jump straight to the point of a new message in a topic (provided you’re logged in, or are reading from the same computer). Also, you can use the navigator on the right side of the page to jump straight to the bottom of a long thread:

Correct. This is just a testsite, I didn’t install an SSL certificate. The final site will have that, of course.

Correct. This is just a testsite, I didn’t install an SSL certificate. The final site will have that, of course.

Okay… Great!

the new website/forumsite looks great by the way!

Is the 10 character password requirement mandatory for discourse?

I’m not too concerned about someone hacking into my forum account, 10 characters seems a bit heavy.

So when exactly can we expect the official transition from vBulletin to Discourse?

Noting this, would anything happen to accounts here that do not have a 10 character password yet (would we have a chance to change our password first)?

how will we get the badge? im sure you wont search up every one individually.

  • donated for gold badge btw.

X2 to this. My current password isn’t 10 characters. I hope the new format will be easy to learn. Another forum I go to just got updated and I’m completely lost, lol.