blenderplayer with new display.ini feature

I’ve always wanted a way configure a runtime’s display settings like resolution or fullscreen mode without multiple .bat files. So I’ve taken the task myself and implimented it.

Win32 build:

I would appreciate some testing, just drag whatever blend into the player and it will use the display.ini file if it’s located, this feature is completly optional.

For now the options are:

width =
height =
fullscreen =
bpp =
vertical refresh rate =
title =

If any of you could build for another os, replace:
located in: blender\source\gameengine\GamePlayer\ghost
that is the only modified file.

I updated the build and source file to use the correct path for the “display.ini”.
Now it should be working perfectly fine, can anyone else test this out?

It works well on my computer. =)

I have a question, though. What does “bpp” do?

It should even be very easy to change the settings in the game menu!
This must be included for the official v2.47!

bpp stands for bits per pixel, it’s the color depth. It’s only used in fullscreen mode.
Supported modes are 8, 16, 24 and 32(no difference from 24 since the display does not use alpha, not to be confused with using alpha in opengl.)

bpp stands for bits per pixel, it’s the color depth. It’s only used in fullscreen mode.
Ah, that would explain a few things…

Anyways, keep up the good work.

PhantasmicNova, I hope you don’t mind, but I made a blenderplayer.dll version of your build. Now it works in the BPPlayer. Link can be found here.