Note: This is long tl;dr: Is a maya thing.
DAG… seems this guy is a Maya user. DAG stands for “Directed Acyclic Graph”, in simple terms, the graphic representation of what we know as “nodes” but applied to “objects”. In maya everything can be represented with a Dependency Graph (DG) node. In Maya, everything can be nodified: objects, lights, meshes, animations, and a long etcetera, and every object has a DG (Dependency graph) that connects an object, his properties, how the lights interact with the object, and so on.
As an example, in Blender you can parent objects with others in a relation Parent object -> Child object. This in Maya is called a “Dependency”. And this in Maya is represented “Graphically” as a node. Now in Maya this dependency Graph contains as minimun: A Obejct, the time where this object is located, the shader the object contains, the light properties this object has (in Blender, what material have this object) and a standard set of MentalRay properties (Maya by default uses MentalRay as its render engine).
Now, your friend probably mix these with the Blender node setups. Any non Blender user with a longtime Maya experience will confuse the node setup of Blender with a DG or a DAG. This is normal. But in Blender, There’s NOTHING similar to this ;). The Nodes in Blender are representations the internal render passes to produce an image, that you can alter in many ways to produce an effect in the final render image. This affects the entire scene (AFAIK) and is not “per object”.
Eh? Your DAG contains renderpasses and lens shaders? WTF kind of Vodo is this?
The Blender internal renderer is a multiple pass render. “Lens shadders” is that is says it is: is a shadder but applied to the lenses of the cammera you are looking into. As an example, Depth of Field is a lens shadder in Maya. Basically any cammera effect in Maya is grouped as a “Lens shadder”. In Blender, well… the cammera is like an old photograph cammera: You can only control the position, lens, and shift, so “lens shadder” is a very alien concept to Blender users :).
The thing is the “lens shadders” effects in maya, is probably related to some effect you did on the node setup. Maybe trying to do some DoF using nodes??, then what the guy is seeing is a DG with a complex setup in the cammera to view something in the render. So the “WTF” response from it is a natural one: You are showing apples, he sees pineapples ;).
Um, sure. Until then I’ll just google why Blender treats lens shaders as render passes and integrates it’s dependancy graph with node-based compositing
Well… Blender Doesn’t group cammera effects. In fact Blender doesn’t know a thing about it. The compositor in Blender is more like an interface to the Blender Internal Engine that allow to tweak every aspect of it to get a final result, and than, every visual effect is done in the compositor, so there’s no classification between “in production” (DoF) items, and “post production” things. The compositor is almost a “post production” thing in Blender, and for now, one of the 2 components of Blender that uses nodes. (materials are the other). In Maya, everything is connected to a node, so you can do effects “in production” (cammera setups for example) and then you do the “post production” thing. That’s what your friend refers about. Since (i believe) Blender devs haven’t formal cinematographic training they doesn’t know much about the process of it. Maya has cinema studio clients that pay big bucks, so the makers of the software has to do things in a very and carefully thinked process to mimics things like a real film studio does. So there are pitfalls for users of other applications. Normal.
if you knew that lens shaders are by definition applied to 3d cameras and have nothing to do with video, or that a material is actually a shaders dag network that contains possibly textures and maybe even light linking networks you would understand what I’m saying
As i say before, Every object has properties associated to a node, and your friend is thinking in these terms. As i told before, you are showing apples, your friend see pineapples.
Blender is different, since it wasn’t developed thinking of a “movie studio”, but more like a “3D application” that can do marvels, if users know how to use the tools… oh wait… that’s true for any application in the market…
Have a nice day.
PS: This forum sucks. (not the people, the software on it… Do this d**n software undertand the thing “remember me??”