Blender's taking over the world!

I know it’s a pretty pitiful modification of my earlier earth, but I couldn’t resist.

Let me know what ya think!

Not bad! I think it would look better if the logo was over a continent, Euro-Asia, since it’s larger…

COOL! I remember seeing an ancient contest on
The idea was to find blenderlogo’s in strange places. Maybe we should do that again?

Thanks, I tried putting it over europe and africa, but it didn’t show up to well. I just threw it togther in aobut 15 minutes, so I didn’t really have time to tweak it together much.


why don’t you carve the logo through earth?

Something like


I read a story where someone was creating works of art by projecting a black and white image onto a large patch of grass-- the areas receiving the most light had the most growth, and the areas receiving the smallest amount, had the smallest growth. Think of projecting a huge blender logo onto a forest on the surface of the earth.

The logo carved in the Earth looks good S68 for that effect. I was trying to get something like maybe Ton built a weather machine or something… :smiley:

neat. It dosn’t really look like the rest of the clouds. It seems not fluffy enough.

I know, I forgot to set the NOR value up to give it some depth. Also there’s not very good transistion in it because I just used the GIMP airbrush and threw it together. Just a concept, maybe someone will do something cool with it someday.

This was my entry to the “logo in strange places” contest long ago. There were alot of really images, hopefully we can see them again!

Really cool one :slight_smile:


Why dont you make an actual continent and find a nice large piece of ocean to stick it in i reckon that would work quite well.