BlenderSources 1.0, Blender3D share program.

Its a Joke! :slight_smile: (i think :expressionless: :stuck_out_tongue: )

a new update will come soon.

Lemmy: What the hack are the internet security police?

To scare people trying to hack the server, well actually I donโ€™t know what the real name is for the company, but anyways donโ€™t try. :stuck_out_tongue:

NOR.J: a new update will come soon.

Great sounds awesome. Iโ€™m also trying to contact my uncle about the extra harddisk and maybe a new old pc :stuck_out_tongue: I was thinking to get something like Pentium 2 or highter, well actually 200 mhz or better. Iโ€™ve got 166 now. Iโ€™ll also buy some memory (128 or 256 mb ram) to put in.
I hope I can do this, otherwise Iโ€™ve go ask the people in the villages for old pcโ€™s :smiley: