Blending 2 textures (noobquestion)


I am trying to make a landscape and I have this following problem that I cant get a real solution for:

I am trying to mix a forest texture and a stone texture together, but i cant find anything, where I can get a convincing overlap betwenn them.

I am quite noobish to texturing and this might be the dumbest question ever, but is there a way to get a gradient on the edges or do you have any other idea how I can approach this?

Increasing the facecount so high, that you dont see it is the only thing I can think of, but I guess that that will make my PC explode and even if not, there should be an easier way.

Hope this question isnt too dumb ^^"
greetz, Momo

Landscape texturing is bigger topic with different solution approaches. Let me show you 1 out of a couple ones. Find attached a Node setup. Big advantage of that method is, that you can proceed modelling and the textures will be assigned automaticly during mesh changes.

Of course feel free to use Principled BSDF instead of Diffuse Channel…

Try this…

ah, thank you. this looks very promising. :slight_smile:

gonna try that out tomorrow

Tried it and maybe I am doing something wrong, but this isnt really what I tried to do ^^"

the node setup btw

Ill probably come back to it after trying RSEhlers attempt

You can also use stacks of principled BSDF materials, and blend them together through mix shaders with a mask image attached to the factor.

It’s an expensive way to do things, especially when you start stacking on the materials, but it’s the most direct solution to your issue.

Worked really nice with vertex colors.

But Ill try the mask-method with the next project for sure.