Blending Life: Old Man

Hey Guys.

This is my first message on this forum. Im new with blender but not with 3d. This work is the first I do with blender after some test the last week like hair, render and sculpting.

A lot of work to finish this project the way I want but I begin to love blender, so it make works easier.

Still some work with:

If any question, don’t hesitate…

My pics:


This is so cool. I don’t have any questions, but I can tell you, this image will be fantastic when you are done!

Thanks a lot kbot.
The only thing I want is to finish this project and the result look what I think.
Finish it is my first goal… I don’t want to do some new non-finished project. :wink:

Well, it’s certainly looking like a very good start. I find that following this competition is very interesting because all the good blender artists on the forums are posting their work and I get to see how the pro’s do this sort of thing. Not to mention the fact that most of the work is very high quality. Keep it up, don’t kill yourself if you don’t get it in on time =).

One week without blending and her it is the progress.
Added hear and little adjustments.

Next step:
non symmetrical details
normal map and texturing

Hope you like it.



hi there.

Added some non-symmetrical details and grain to the skin.

Next step:

Normal map and texturing
Face rig

6 U :smiley:


Looks sweet! I assume you are putting hair on it eventually correct? Looks like a great sculpt though!

Thanks Dudebot13.
Absolutely, after all the texturing process, I will add him some hair and possibly some recent beard.

Before that I got to analyze some retopo tutorial. If somebody know a good one…

Some explanation about my motivations:

I do this challenge only to learn blender. Before every step I learn what I need to. I know very well 3dsmax and Maya, but they drive me crazy because of their price and their weight on my system. My objective is to give my customer a professional result with open source solution for a lighter price than my concurrent.

impressive! Keep it up.

thx a lot Kaos86. :wink:

So I just started the retopo. After 1 hour of tuto and some test, I begin to work on my model. You can see the wip. Some work to do and some adjustment.

See ya. :slight_smile:

I just discovered how the mirror modifier work. --> In comparison with 3dsmax symetry this appear to be strange and not friendly to use, but when I understand it, this is ok.


Nice work man!

Looks like you’re ready to normal map the original sculpt onto the newer mesh; my tutorial on this.
Note you don’t need to have same UV layout or even similar geometry for tangent normal mapping… it goes by nearest proximity.

yeah Lancer, thank you verry much. Your tutorial seems to be verry easy to understand. So, I think I’m going to stop retopo for the moment and test your tuto on simple object.

Thank you on more time.

Perhaps a new screen shot in 10 minute…

Ok… the retopo is near to be finished, the hard part are done.
Now I’m going to test the Lancer’s Tutorial.


So how many polys was the sculpt? It looks like a ton. For the pores did you just use a texture brush?

You’re right. THe high poly version of the head is about 1 269 185 Vertex and 1 268 736 faces.

For the pores I use only noise texture in sculpt mod. To get more realistic result, I do one pass close of the object in negative drawing mode and one less closer in positive drawing mode. After that I adjust other area to get the result I want.

Hi guys,

I got the first minor problem. Nothing verry important but I don’t know why blender do that. When I display my object in wire mod, some edges disappear. My topology is good and in edit mode, every edges appear correctly. This is very strange. Deactivating mirror modifier and subsurf did not change anything.

The sreenshot and a close up to se the prob.


Nice to see a retopo aproach, looking forward to your progress.

I have noticed this on wireframes people have posted…it seems to be only a problem with displaying edges, they are not removed…is it somehow edges that fall “inside” the mesh?

Thanx handlebar.

Ok yoff, thank you for the explanation. So I think I got to do with that…
No updates today but certainly tomorrow.

I think Blender tried to hide some flatten surfaces’ wires,
eg. if you subdivide a plane a few times and view it in wire, you won’t see anything until
you pull some verts above others. (There’s All Edges option in Mesh tool more panel - F9)