[Edit] I just realized the name of the thread doesn’t make sense, sorry I can’t edit it. I meant “blending the textures”.
Well first, I’m a complete newbie to Blender and 3d in general. I hope this isn’t a dumb question that’s been asked a million times but I searched and couldn’t find a precise answer to this.
Is there a simple way in Blender to have mutlimaterials on an object and have them blend into each other at the edges of the faces they are assigned to? You can use vertex paint under the textures, but what about the textures themselves?
I understand that there are ways to do this using ramps or stencils but it seems pretty complicated to me to get good results without spending a lot of time on it. If it’s supposed to be simple, maybe somebody can direct me to some tutorials on this as I could not find information explaining exactly what I want.
Here’s some pictures to explain what I mean in case my bad english doesn’t make sense.
So here’s a sphere using 2 materials:
When rendered it looks like this (bad choice of textures, but you get the idea):
In the material settings is there a texture setting you can play with to get something like this? (this is faked in photoshop) :
Basically, a setting that would set how much anti alias/blending you want between the materials/textures on the object following the edges of the faces the material is assigned to, making them blend into each others, in a few seconds. Is it possible?
If not, then my dream to have a simple slider to adjust it. Could something like this be possible eventually? It would be great, you could get some very decent stuff, keeping working on the modeling without ever having to worry about messing with UVs. It could be useful for a lot of thing I’m guessing.
there is no setting for that is there? It’s not so much antialiasing as blending. There are some things that might do the same thing, like an alpha map, but it would be easier just to set a single value.
Yes blending the materials into each other sorry if my message is confusing. I’m not sure I understand your answer tho :o. This is basicly what I ask asking, is there a setting for this?
yes. mix the two materials using a stencil. the stencil goes in between the two textures and tells Blender how to blend them. The stencil you can draw with whatever, it is just an alpha mask. Your photoshop looks like a splotchy glob, which btw you could do with texture painting but since you’re new just create your mask in photoshop. BlenderNation just posted a tut on using texture stencils. enjoy!!!
Thanks, I read the tutorial and it seems to work great. This is not exactly what I had in mind tho, unless I missed something. The stencil is square texture and if I use on a surface that uses multiple faces not shaped like a square it’s not gonna work. Unless there is one of the “Map Input” that will reshape the texture but I can’t find a setting that does it
all textures, even though they are shown as a square, are mapped to the surface of the mesh. They only repeat based on the Size values. The Map input raises a point as well; you might want to map to UV coordinates and take off autoTexFace (editing buttons, links and materials panel) to get one wrapping that you can position wherevery you want the blotch.
so, its not so much the shape of the stencil but the shape of the mask (white part) of the stencil. Use the blur inward thingy setting like they said to graduate the overlay in if you want a blending. Instead of a circle mask, you would want a splotchy mask. Then, use the map offsets to specify where on the mesh you want the bleed-in.
Also note that both textures and stencil apply to the whole mesh; there are no multiple materials; just one base material that has a texture and a stencil and third texture channel used.
Thanks for the help Mr. RogerWickes, I appreciate it. Unfortunately I think did’nt explain myself well. I guess there is no simple way to do what I want without playing with UVs
Stencils work great for blending different textures over an area of a mesh, but let’s say I want to blend a texture on selected faces (different material on same object) shaped like a " T " (ie: http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/9466/blendtsu0.jpg ), it won’t reshape the stencil like a T and if it can, it’s going to be complicated having it blend precisely and equally at every corner, especially if the mesh is complex.