Hello Blender Community! With 2025 around the corner it’s time for a new art challenge. Blenduary is a daily Blender art challenge spanning the month of January with a prompt word for each day, open to the creative interpretations of everyone who wants to join! Not a contest by any means, the objective is to get creative and just have fun seeing how different artists interpret the same prompts. If you want to join in but aren’t sure if you can make something everyday or if you’re late to the party, that’s cool! Even if you can only make something a few times out of the month, please do so!
How to Join
All you have to do is make something in Blender inspired by the word for that day. From there you may post your artwork online, whether here on Blender Artists, and/or your other favorite online platform(s) using #blenduary or #blenduary2025 to connect with other artists who are participating. The only real “requirement” is the artwork should be made using Blender (although using any other software or appropriate methods somewhere in the process is fine of course). And do whatever you need to do to finish your art within each day (whether you use the whole day or down to just a few minutes out of the day) like using assets prepared by yourself or from other appropriate sources. You may also prepare your ideas far ahead of time, that’s what the prompt list is for.
Besides the splash screen, below is a text list of the prompts for each day. I’ve included definitions for some which you may expand to get more ideas, but you can of course use other definitions you know of or come up with. I personally like to come with put-of-the-box answers to things like this and Inktober just to be different, but sometimes simpler answers are just… simpler! So you decide what you feel like doing for any given day!
Prompt list (with some helpful definitions)
To completely cover or fill with many two-dimensional shapes like tiles.
A clockwork model of a solar system.
1. To spread through (like in air or water) especially by fluid motion or passive means. 2. Everywhere or throughout everything; not focused or concentrated.
A whirlwind, whirlpool, or similarly moving matter in the form of a spiral or column.
1. An object made or shaped by someone, perhaps of archaeological or historical interest. 2. A detail that is not a true feature of the subject, but a result of an error. More
A piece of fabric with with ornamental needlework.
1. An optical phenomenon in which light is refracted through a layer of hot air close to the ground, often giving the illusion of a body of water. 2. (figuratively) An illusion.
A quantum particle of visible light and other electromagnetic energy.
An enclosure (possibly glass) for displaying plants and possibly small animals like reptiles, insects, or amphibians
Something (literal or figurative) which gives notice of danger, hope, or acts as a guide (like a signal fire, buoy, or other conspicuous object, particularly near a shore as guidance for seafarers). More
1. A waterfall or series of small waterfalls 2. A series of connected (electrical) components. 3. To fall (perhaps in sequence) literally or figuratively. 4. To pass down through a chain or system. More
Having only one variety of colors like black and white.
1. Of, or relating to, the past, past times, or the way things were. 2. Affecting things past; retroactive.
Spread The Word!
Whether you can join or not, feel free to tell others and share the prompt list across social media whether by saving and re-posting the splash screen image (whether the square version at the top for better readability across different aspect ratios or maybe full-screen image below) or just a link to this topic!
Blenduary is starting in just a few days! Can’t wait to see what everybody makes! Wherever you share your Blenduary works (especially if you post them in the Artwork forum of Blender Artists) feel free to link your work here on any of the days!
I will also be posting what each next day’s prompt is here so if you follow this thread you’ll be reminded.
I know of a handful of people who have told me for sure they will be participating, but I don’t know how many more may be. If you’re looking forward to Blenduary, whether you can participate at all or if you just think it’s a cool idea, please comment on this post to boost the topic and let more people know about this art challenge!