I need to use the model Blenrig 4.01 Zepam, but the rig system doesn’t work in BGE. Is this possible to adapt the system to work in BGE? Or transform poses in shape keys for don’t use the “actuator” “action” in armature but “Shape Action” in the mesh?
Ps: Sorry about the text, I don’t speech English.
Ps 2 : I can’t post url because I’m new in this community but if you search in google the blenrig model is available to download at jpbouza.
This model has no animation.
- You must make some action animations.
- Then use the “Action” actuator on the armature to pay the the animation.
Here is a demo file.
CharacterKit25xV2.blend (763 KB)
Sorry, I did not post the model with animation because Ican’t post link, but now I created an e-mail with a file that illustrates the problem.
e-mail: [email protected]
password: blenderart
message with the file:. blend file
Thanks for your help!
Shape key drivers are broken in trunk, which I suspect is the problem you’re running into. You can try a Pepper build from GraphicAllto see if it solves your problem.
The animation is playing on my computer. But the torso is not deformed by the armature. Because the zepam_mesh is using a mesh deform modifier, which is using the deform blenrig_mesh to apply it on the vertex group of the zepam_mesh. But as I know, this modifier is not working in the game engine.
The next thing is that this model is using bone constraints, to get this working you need a armature actuator.
The last thing Is that the eyes and the teeth are not parented to the blenrig armature so the can’t follow the armature.
I never used a so complex rig, so may be there is a way to use this rig in the game engine without changes. But I think you must change it to run in the game engine.
I don’t know if it is working in the Pepper build. I can’t compile it at the moment.
You don’t have to compile builds from GraphicAll - they are already compiled. You just unzip them and run them.
On GraphicAll is no actual Windows 32bit Pepper build.
r38825 working on Windows 32bit (GraphicAll but old)
r39084 crash when I rotate the view (GraphicAll).
r39472 aborts with compile error.
Here is a win32 pepper build on graphicall: http://graphicall.org/236
However, it sounds like the rig is using features that are unavailable in the BGE currently, even with Pepper.