They don’t make a living. No one makes a living selling Blender add-ons, the highest selling add-on on Blender Market generates less than an entry level job monthly (before BM’s cut, even). Most creators make about 10-50 a month
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Yes, I’m looking at options, but as I told you, it’s something I didn’t even think about selling if it weren’t for the circumstances. I have to look at options, but everywhere they take a good
I envy you trying VR, I’ve always wanted that to come, maybe someday.
Well, the addon you finally generate the mesh with a remesh, I take it to zbrush, do blocking in blender and continue the sculpture in z and go back to blender for retopo uvs …substance to texturize. Substance Modeler looks good, someday with VR it will be a great experience to be there.
best of luck to you too @Musashidan. Thank you very much for your feedback
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