I made a friend for Blognar, so I thought I ought to do a nice render of them having a walk along the Martian landscape. Sorry it’s so small, but I forgot to turn it to full size and it took so honk long to render, I said what the hey,…I now have him rigged with 7 IKsolvers, and about 10 RVKs for his lip sync and facial expressions. Tommorow I start rigging Mingus, his pet. Any crits are welcome.
<edit> you can check out some test anims of him in WIP
<edit> oh crud, I guess I should have posed him lol.
<edit again> Ok, here are some improvements.
the pet looks great, your other character is very very strange…
Yeah, nobody seems to much care for Blognar for some reason. I like him strange, but I might consider making an alternative morph target for him. I could take down the brow a touch I suppose.
hehe I love that pet lol… he’s awsome… nice work
Thanks,…Ok, I have made a poll to determine what the general response to Blognar in his current state is. Please vote! [!]
<edit> btw, if anyone decides to do what I did with the Lsystem trees there,…don’t forget to remove doubles first, or you will be in for a wait. I remembered to fortunately. phew
Leave Blognar alone, his ugly.
remove blognar. i very dislike him, because he look so ugly.
but the doog is very cute and much better. use that dog and make a new scene!
I agree that the pet looks great, but Blognar, well… I really don’t like his nose, chin, ears, eyes and colors. I think you should work with him just a little more. It’s a primitive reaction that people don’t like him: he looks like a very ugly person, who has been mutated weirdly. So if you want to make people like Blognar, you should make him look a little bit like an elf or a troll that people are used to.
Blognar isn’t that bad, In fact I find him rather aumusing. Leave him in… even ugly aliens deserve a chance in this world.
I think you should exagerate him a bit more… like the dog has 1 really big eye for a head… that’s a strong statement. Blognar seems a bit mor e"in between.
And ehr… though I like the dog, it does look like his eye’s going to fall out and roll away any minute now
i think hes awesome
he has alot of charecter
he looks (to me) like he has been laid off from some alien corperation, right before he got to finish something
dont change him, add more background
Thanks for the comments guys. Looks like enough people like Blognar as is, so ugly he stays.
I like it. His pointy head reminds me of the guys in the GameCube game Pickman.
Okay Modron, you win.
Good work. I like the modeling very much. The only things that I dont like are the background and the texture on Blognar.
well done tho!
Thanks guys, and yes, I think I shall take the stucci tex off Blognar, and maybe experiment with giving him some different vertex paint colors.
There were some things about this render that were bugging me, so I added some lizards and did a re render with some improvements. Sorry i didn’t make Blognar any cuter though.